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How To Create A Personal Brand That Allows You To Travel The World

How To Create A Personal Brand That Allows You To Travel The World

Transformative Travel: I look at how travel can change lives.

✈️It’s everyone’s dream: Create a career that will allow you to travel the world and work remotely or work from home—or anywhere. Peggy Bree is a part-time digital nomad from Toronto and the creative genius behind the book concept Branding Quickies. She’s also extremely digital savvy when it comes to the worlds of branding, design and travel. Her condensed and to-the-point book is a collection written by 20 badass women who share their best tips, insight and wisdom in all things branding and business. There is a mixed background of women who are copywriters, vloggers, Youtubers, bloggers, influencers and business owners. “The strategic tips, inspirational stories, branding advice and motivation are all thoughtfully written by these amazing women who are total experts in their fields,” says Bree.

And one of the things that most of the women in the book have in common is that they are travel and digital nomad influencers—and they’re filled with advice about how you can do the same and use your skills to travel the world and work remotely.

Bree—who has her own branding studio called Blank Room—says she originally created Branding Quickies for purely selfish reasons. “It was a concept that I wanted for myself, which in itself worked out to also be a solution for other women in the creative space too who needed a boost of inspiration and tips,” says Bree. “The concept behind this book was to allow for transparency behind polished brands, and to open up the real progress behind it. I find that the digital space can be so exhausting when it comes to figuring out the next steps, but whenever I’ve opened up this conversation with someone and we’ve shared each other’s progress and lessons gained, it has really helped with the growth of our brands.”

Bree said she also wanted to help other women. “Oftentimes, the conversation of ‘failure’ moments is uncomfortable, but to change them into lessons of growth has been such a refreshing conversation to share,” says Bree. “Thus, I really wanted to create a book that opened up this conversation for other women, and to have each other’s stories and lessons be the solution to whenever you feel stuck in movement with the progress of your brand.”

For the women she highlighted in her book, Bree says she wanted a mix of inspiring experts who “clearly know what they are doing (results vs. talking), were willing to share their lessons and secrets, and had the online presence to back it up.”

Here, in honor of the woman-focused month of March—from International Women’s Day to Women’s History Month—we got eight of the 20 women featured in the book to share their tips on how to use personal branding to kill it in the travel space.

⚠️Fit your Brand with Your Lifestyle—not Lifestyle into Brand

The Expert: Susan Metenosky Ripley is the founder of Brooklyn Tropicali, a travel blog focused on creative travels for creative people. The emphasis is on the region of Latin America, encouraging creative professionals to seek out and learn from master artisans such as weavers, ceramicists, painters, chefs and more. Ripley is also a social media manager and consultant for small businesses and startups. She’s based in sunny, colorful Oaxaca, Mexico.

Tips: From the beginning, decide how your brand should fit into the lifestyle you want, not how your lifestyle can fit into your brand. If you design your life first, the brand will not only work logistically for you—in the hours you work, where you can work from, who you work with—but it will also naturally be more authentically you. If one of your personal values is travel, then the brand will clearly reflect that, making it easier to find relevant businesses to partner with that share the same values. It’s about priorities, and making the ultimate goal be your freedom lifestyle will pave the way for the right brand growth and work opportunities.

⚠️Build a Trustworthy and Unique Brand

The Expert: A former TV news reporter, Andrea Valeria took a risk and transitioned her passion project into her dream job—and doing it all while traveling. Valeria created it’s a Travel O.D. and eventually began monetizing her ideas. She is helping others do the same through her social media content, a published book, online services, retreats and virtual workshops. Originally from Panama, she has now lived in over 10 cities.

Tips: A personal brand so strong that it can become monetizable because people trust you—that’s the goal. To achieve that, you must not only show people what you do, but also offer people inspiration, ideas, tools and resources that would allow them to do the same. In my case, I have built a brand around my lifestyle, which—like my slogan, says—is to overdose in travel.

I am able to work remotely, and I am known for showing my audience they can do it, too. Finding a balance between inspirational content and valuable resources has helped me build a reputation. For me, some of those resources have been a free remote job directory and live online workshops teaching people how to land a remote job.

You should have an offering so unique that it goes beyond the online world and spills into friends having coffee telling each other “you should follow this account because she’ll teach you how to work from anywhere.” If your personal brand doesn’t evoke authentic word of mouth recommendations, you need to find that clear value proposition that will.

⚠️Develop a Support Network

The Expert: Kay is the travel blogger behind The Awkward Traveller, which is focused on making travel more relatable, inclusive and accessible to those wanting to travel. Along with hilarious tourist tales and travel guides, her posts offer travel tips for communities who are frequently under-served in the travel community, such as articles focusing on traveling with chronic illnesses, wheelchair users and those that are hard of sight or hearing. Kay also uplifts local voices in the countries she visits through in-depth interviews exploring their histories and culture so that her audience may gain a deeper understanding of the region from a local’s perspective. Kay donates all profits from brand sponsorships to her non-profit organization, The Global Dreamers Foundation, which is focused on providing global learning opportunities for young adults.

ঘুরে আসুন : BCS/ Bank/ Job এর পড়াশুনা শুরুর আগে যা যা করণী

Tips: None of us can do this alone. My biggest tip for creating a thriving brand that allows you to travel freely is to create a strong and encouraging support network. Specifically, a network of people who are also involved in making their brands and lifestyles conducive to travel. As much as we love and cherish our personal friends and families that we have grown up with, they won’t always get it. They won’t understand why you constantly complain about lack of sleep but still stay up late to squeeze out one more project before the end of the week. But you know who will understand—people who are doing the exact same thing. It is important to build a strong support system of likeminded people because they can truly empathize and strategize with your goals and offer relevant and informed advice and guidance. 

Your network of likeminded individuals will gladly be your soundboard for new projects, and you to theirs. You will compare your media rates and make sure no one is being underpaid, and you will all refer each other to amazing new opportunities. No one will cheer harder for you when you win than your new squad, and they will readily be there for you when your confidence isn’t flying so high. Frequent travel is not relatable to many people, especially when it has become a pillar of your personal brand. Having a strong support system is essential to your social well-being as well as an avenue for reliable and trustworthy contacts for your brand. 

⚠️Create Strong Channels of Communication

successfully, one of the best things that you can do for your brand is to create strong channels of communication with your clients and staff. This can be done by using the right online tools to allow you to work efficiently and effectively with your team. Whether it’s an app to help with your team’s daily checklist or a conference software to hold meetings, it’s all crucial for your remote business. If you are able to do this, you will not only grow but also create a personal brand that will allow you to live and work from anywhere.

⚠️Create Reoccurring Revenue

ঘুরে আসুন : আয় করার পথে আর নয় বাধা

The Expert: Molly Ho is a marketing strategist, educator and designer. She helps online entrepreneurs and small business owners fine tune their brand messaging, streamline their marketing and show up more consistently online, while remaining true to who they are.

Tips: If you want to create a personal brand that allows you to travel the world, create reoccurring revenue. This is revenue you know you can depend on every month. This could be through reoccurring sponsorships, working with your regular clients and/or selling services or products that you know will sell. To cover my own travel expenses without dipping too much into savings, I created digital templates people could buy. In order to make this happen, I utilized the power of Instagram marketing, Pinterest marketing, CreativeMarket, Etsy and building my own brand. There are so many ways to make money online nowadays. When you’re traveling by yourself, you never know what expenses might pop up. Or maybe you just want to splurge a little. That’s why I believe in reoccurring revenue, so not only can you do all the things you want on your travel but you can save for your future, too.

⚠️Create Multiple Streams of Income

The Expert: Cheryl Sutherland is a transformational speaker, business strategist and founder of PleaseNotes, a for-purpose company of affirmation-filled goods. After spending over 1,400 hours in learning and facilitating personal development, coaching and reigniting her inner creativity, Sutherland created a company that inspires women to step into their own power by building confidence, clarity, and creativity.

ঘুরে আসুন : চাকরী করা অবস্থায় কীভাবে ব্যবসা শুরু করবেন

As a women’s empowerment expert, author and entrepreneur, Sutherland Sutherland and PleaseNotes have been featured in InStyle, Huffington Post, Forbes, Fast Company, American Express OPEN Forum, Thrive Global, Brit + CO, Travel Noire, and on podcasts such as The Creative Empire, I Love Success, No Philter with Phil Pallen, and more. Sutherland resides in between Los Angeles and Toronto, Ontario.

Tips: Branch out with different products and services that have different access levels and price points. This allows you to touch your audience in multiple ways, some of which will naturally overlap. For example, my best-seller is my guided affirmation journal. However, creating digital items such as videos, workshops and printables allows people to get more out of the products they love and deepen their personal growth practice, which is the ultimate goal for my brand. In addition, I partner with other brands so I can put on live versions of my workshops while I’m in another country. What makes this really great is my partners are basically advertising me via word of mouth to their circle of influence. This makes it really easy for them to trust me and see me as an expert in my field. There’s automatic trust and I don’t have to struggle to produce and sell out an event. Something that’s easy and really common is creating a monthly membership or a subscription of sorts.

⚠️Build Online and Offline Communities

The Expert: Cassandra T. Le is the founder of The Quirky Pineapple Studio (TQP Studio), a brand strategy and copywriting agency. At TQP Studio, she works with impact-driven businesses to help them share their message and impact through strategic storytelling and engaging content to increase their visibility online and in-person. She is an award-winning marketing expert, was a contributing author in Branding Quickies and has given workshops in English and Spanish in various countries around the world. When she’s not working behind her laptop, you can find her exploring neighborhood cafés in Madrid (her adopted home), getting lost in translation in Spanish or relaxing on the couch watching movie trailers or mukbangs on YouTube.

ঘুরে আসুন : চতুর্থ শিল্পবিপ্লবের চ্যালেঞ্জ মোকাবিলা ও সম্ভাবনাকে কাজে লাগাতে সরকার

Tips: Creating a personal brand that allows me to travel the world means travel is built into my growth and success. I look for different online and offline communities to connect, learn, and share with. I do this by traveling for work, to masterminds, and for my own retreats and workshops. 

For example, I hosted a retreat in Cartagena, Colombia for service-based businesses, content creators and influencers to learn more about content marketing. I also look for travel opportunities for me to learn. I was just in Los Angeles to meet my business coach and mastermind for a business retreat. Building travel into my personal brand is all about looking for online communities to join, then connecting with them in-person. This is something my brand does for our clients, helping them create online and offline communities through their stories—to connect with people internationally.

You need to find online and offline communities to connect with and find travel opportunities to grow your brand—and social media is a great place to start. My top three platforms are Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. I search hashtags, location geo-tags and connect with people on LinkedIn who are also traveling for work, so I can find similar opportunities. I also share my travels on my professional networks, which shows people that I have a brand that can combine work and travel at the same time. 

The more I’ve shared about travel on social media, relating back to connecting with communities online and off, work or masterminds, the more travel opportunities come up. I shared that I’ve spoken in various countries around the world, which has opened doors for others to approach me to speak in their countries—and that’s a travel AND work opportunity.

⚠️Focus Your Mission Statement

The Expert: Danielle Hu is a NYC corporate escapee, social media influencer and founder of The Wanderlover, a travel brand inspiring and helping others design freedom-based lives they love. She is passionate about helping early-stage entrepreneurs build creative and scalable businesses with valuable assets. Hu now lives her ideal digital nomad lifestyle chasing an endless summer around the world, balancing her time between clients and post-surf coconuts.

Tips: You ARE your brand; every single person has a unique story, and every single person has unique skills and expertise that others can benefit from. If you focus your personal brand’s mission statement around how you can add value to your audience, how you can help them and how you can transform their lives, you can create a profitable business that allows you to travel the world. Shift your mindset to serving your ideal clients and customers, and the possibilities are endless: You can offer transformational products and services that resonate and attract new followers, change lives, create a loyal tribe of supporters and share your powerful brand across platforms and borders. 

⚠️Create Reoccurring Revenue

The Expert: Molly Ho is a marketing strategist, educator and designer. She helps online entrepreneurs and small business owners fine tune their brand messaging, streamline their marketing and show up more consistently online, while remaining true to who they are.

Tips: If you want to create a personal brand that allows you to travel the world, create reoccurring revenue. This is revenue you know you can depend on every month. This could be through reoccurring sponsorships, working with your regular clients and/or selling services or products that you know will sell. To cover my own travel expenses without dipping too much into savings, I created digital templates people could buy. In order to make this happen, I utilized the power of Instagram marketing, Pinterest marketing, CreativeMarket, Etsy and building my own brand. There are so many ways to make money online nowadays. When you’re traveling by yourself, you never know what expenses might pop up. Or maybe you just want to splurge a little. That’s why I believe in reoccurring revenue, so not only can you do all the things you want on your travel but you can save for your future, too.

⚠️Create Multiple Streams of Income

The Expert: Cheryl Sutherland is a transformational speaker, business strategist and founder of PleaseNotes, a for-purpose company of affirmation-filled goods. After spending over 1,400 hours in learning and facilitating personal development, coaching and reigniting her inner creativity, Sutherland created a company that inspires women to step into their own power by building confidence, clarity, and creativity. As a women’s empowerment expert, author and entrepreneur, Sutherland Sutherland and PleaseNotes have been featured in InStyle, Huffington Post, Forbes, Fast Company, American Express OPEN Forum, Thrive Global, Brit + CO, Travel Noire, and on podcasts such as The Creative Empire, I Love Success, No Philter with Phil Pallen, and more. Sutherland resides in between Los Angeles and Toronto, Ontario.

Tips: Branch out with different products and services that have different access levels and price points. This allows you to touch your audience in multiple ways, some of which will naturally overlap. For example, my best-seller is my guided affirmation journal. However, creating digital items such as videos, workshops and printables allows people to get more out of the products they love and deepen their personal growth practice, which is the ultimate goal for my brand. In addition, I partner with other brands so I can put on live versions of my workshops while I’m in another country. What makes this really great is my partners are basically advertising me via word of mouth to their circle of influence. This makes it really easy for them to trust me and see me as an expert in my field. There’s automatic trust and I don’t have to struggle to produce and sell out an event. Something that’s easy and really common is creating a monthly membership or a subscription of sorts.

⚠️Build Online and Offline Communities

The Expert: Cassandra T. Le is the founder of The Quirky Pineapple Studio (TQP Studio), a brand strategy and copywriting agency. At TQP Studio, she works with impact-driven businesses to help them share their message and impact through strategic storytelling and engaging content to increase their visibility online and in-person. She is an award-winning marketing expert, was a contributing author in Branding Quickies and has given workshops in English and Spanish in various countries around the world. When she’s not working behind her laptop, you can find her exploring neighborhood cafés in Madrid (her adopted home), getting lost in translation in Spanish or relaxing on the couch watching movie trailers or mukbangs on YouTube.

Tips: Creating a personal brand that allows me to travel the world means travel is built into my growth and success. I look for different online and offline communities to connect, learn, and share with. I do this by traveling for work, to masterminds, and for my own retreats and workshops. 

ঘুরে আসুন : ১৩টি সহজ উপায়ে ফুটিয়ে তুলুন নিজের ব্যক্তিত্ব

For example, I hosted a retreat in Cartagena, Colombia for service-based businesses, content creators and influencers to learn more about content marketing. I also look for travel opportunities for me to learn. I was just in Los Angeles to meet my business coach and mastermind for a business retreat. Building travel into my personal brand is all about looking for online communities to join, then connecting with them in-person. This is something my brand does for our clients, helping them create online and offline communities through their stories—to connect with people internationally.

You need to find online and offline communities to connect with and find travel opportunities to grow your brand—and social media is a great place to start. My top three platforms are Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. I search hashtags, location geo-tags and connect with people on LinkedIn who are also traveling for work, so I can find similar opportunities. I also share my travels on my professional networks, which shows people that I have a brand that can combine work and travel at the same time. 

The more I’ve shared about travel on social media, relating back to connecting with communities online and off, work or masterminds, the more travel opportunities come up. I shared that I’ve spoken in various countries around the world, which has opened doors for others to approach me to speak in their countries—and that’s a travel AND work opportunity.

⚠️Focus Your Mission Statement

The Expert: Danielle Hu is a NYC corporate escapee, social media influencer and founder of The Wanderlover, a travel brand inspiring and helping others design freedom-based lives they love. She is passionate about helping early-stage entrepreneurs build creative and scalable businesses with valuable assets. Hu now lives her ideal digital nomad lifestyle chasing an endless summer around the world, balancing her time between clients and post-surf coconuts.

Tips: You ARE your brand; every single person has a unique story, and every single person has unique skills and expertise that others can benefit from. If you focus your personal brand’s mission statement around how you can add value to your audience, how you can help them and how you can transform their lives, you can create a profitable business that allows you to travel the world. Shift your mindset to serving your ideal clients and customers, and the possibilities are endless: You can offer transformational products and services that resonate and attract new followers, change lives, create a loyal tribe of supporters and share your powerful brand across platforms and borders. 

⚠️Establish Your Brand’s Presence Online

The Expert: Peggy Bree is a part-time digital nomad from Toronto, founder of the branding studio Blank Room and the creator of Branding Quickies. So what does Bree—the author of the book—have to say about branding and travel?

Tips: When it comes to creating a remote-friendly brand that allows freedom to travel, strongly establishing your brand’s presence online is crucial. How are you going to allow yourself travel and freedom, if your brand doesn’t exist, show up and be able to function online at all? Not only so, but if your brand’s presence is lacking, how are people going to trust you in this digital space and pay you?

You need to have your brand’s presence show up and be able to digitally communicate in this online space. You can do so by creating a podcast extension to your brand and allow for a greater reach online, be featured in notable publications related to your brand to gain trust and credibility or build an active social media page filled with visually captivating, engaging and relatable content. If a brand that allows for freedom in traveling is what you want, be sure to take advantage of the many different ways for your brand to flourish and show up in this online space.

ঘুরে আসুন : ঘুষ ছাড়া চাকরি হয় না। লবিং ছাড়া চাকরি হয় না "- এসব বলতে বলতে কেউ কেউ যখন গলা শুকিয়ে ফেলছে, ঠিক তখন...

The Expert: Peggy Bree is a part-time digital nomad from Toronto, founder of the branding studio Blank Room and the creator of Branding Quickies. So what does Bree—the author of the book—have to say about branding and travel?

Tips: When it comes to creating a remote-friendly brand that allows freedom to travel, strongly establishing your brand’s presence online is crucial. How are you going to allow yourself travel and freedom, if your brand doesn’t exist, show up and be able to function online at all? Not only so, but if your brand’s presence is lacking, how are people going to trust you in this digital space and pay you?

You need to have your brand’s presence show up and be able to digitally communicate in this online space. You can do so by creating a podcast extension to your brand and allow for a greater reach online, be featured in notable publications related to your brand to gain trust and credibility or build an active social media page filled with visually captivating, engaging and relatable content. If a brand that allows for freedom in traveling is what you want, be sure to take advantage of the many different ways for your brand to flourish and show up in this online space.

তথ্যসূত্র :
Laura Begley Bloom
Senior Contributor

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